Sunday, July 26, 2009

Referencing an Article or Discussion at Another Site.

This is part of a series of articles to give posting ideas to future contributors of this site. Click this link to see all articles in this series.

If you are a contributor to this site and have blog posts or discussions on another site that you are proud of, please let us know about it. You may want to describe the post and provide a link. You can also publish the beginning of the post and then provide the link.

Here is an example:

Are Jehovah's Witnesses Really Preaching the Good News Throughout the Earth?

Matthew 24:14 is an important scripture for Jehovah's Witnesses. Here is what it says in their own New World Translation. "And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."

This is the Jehovah's Witness mission. They believe they are fulfilling this scripture. (Some say they have already fulfilled it.) They even point to this as proof that they are the one true religion.

What about the Mormons? Aren't they also doing a worldwide preaching work? How about more mainstream Christianity? Haven't they had far greater success spreading the good news throughout the Earth? (Click here to continue reading.)

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